The Sun: Check Your Gravity

5 min readFeb 23, 2022


Astrological Journal Entry of Eastern Practice #2

The Sun, the sacred fire that cooks hidden existence till we see the visible fruit. It’s the ego of our consciousness. The paternal parent of warmth and liveliness.

It is the center that spins us in a dance of alignments. Energies bursting and displaying their nature. The sun enlivens that which feeds off the warmth of life. The sun is one force of many at play in our cosmos, but it is essential to our existence.


The sun stands at the center of our universe, or at the very least is the reason we spin around it. The sun represents the strongest magnetic force, showcasing the loving or searing light towards whatever faces it, enlivening and interacting the most with the exposed and heating whatever it can penetrate with its rays.

The sun typically is 陽(ヨウ) in nature as it penetrates and expands its presence with the light it emits. Pure Yang. The Great Father. Big Daddy. Its force interacts with the molecules of our earth’s aura and that trickles down to everything the atmosphere affects and so on. The sun however can only affect what it touches directly. Everything in shadows exists differently but still plays with the sun in its own way. But that’s another topic.

The life-giver is often celebrated as a father, but many celebrate it as a mother. Regardless of the archetypes gender, it seems to provide life in a way that it evolves all life it touches. Although the sun is typically unchanging in its heat, its interaction varies with climate and obstacles and it can flare at times.

As I search for 陰陽道, I am being brought through various traditions that preceded this particular fusion of occult knowledge. It’s a tall order I put myself in and I’m hoping it gets easier with time, but here I am taking the steps to study what interests me and remembering an interest I should keep up with.

我: Sun As Atman

☉ 太陽は何ですか

The Sun holds a special place not only in our solar system but the practical and scientific understanding of the sun carries itself over to the metaphysical realm of existence. As the sun shares its qualities with the physical world it shines in the hidden layers of reality and imbues us with its essence.

When we look outside the first thing we notice is light. Now maybe you’ll look out and see a crystalline lake surrounded by the towering pine trees of the mountains. Others might see their neighbor's yard, finely spaced trees, and the street that connects them to the rest of the urban neighborhood. But what allows us to take in that image, aside from our eyes? The light allows us to witness reality with the tool that can view the illusion. The sun also warms our skin, whilst shivering in the middle of winter.

As we notice light we typically are drawn like moths to the flame. With this truth of the natural allure of the light in a world of darkness, we can prescribe to the belief that all beings are imbued with this solar energy. This light. The Soul. I’ve found it helpful to refer to it as a hue. The aura is the extension of this soul and its hue indicates the level your soul radiates in your current state. emotional states and mental afflictions add to this hue and can color your vibe as well.

Depending on your time of birth and the position of the heavens it is said that this can influence the very construction of your avatar. The ancestors viewed the world in a way we often believe we’ve excelled beyond, but there is truth in their perspective, otherwise, it wouldn’t be driving our cultures today.

The truth is that although we are all blessed with the same energy, its expression varies. While the sun is the force of the self, everyone contains a preset of archetypal energy. The collection of the combination allows for archetypal identity to manifest strongly in the individual and here the individual finds themselves meeting the Divine portion of their personality that motivates the self to action.

The sun is spinning all of us in it’s orbit. It is not dependent on anything outside of itself because the sun just is until it just can’t be. It has the ability to spread it’s waves and transform all that it touches by Atma is the preternatural essence for growth.


射手座 [iteza]= Sagittarius, the fiery principle of the Winter energy. It is passionate, alluring, ascending from darkness and entering a state of maturity and understanding. Iteza is influenced by the sign before it and the planet that rules it. So how does the Sun express itself through Iteza? Well the fire is noticeable regardless of temperature. Being a hot sign naturally, the sun will display the qualities of fire even more. It’s also in my third house. We’ll go over houses later.

Where is your sun? What do you notice about it’s function in your chart? Does it work well with the other planets that create your character? My sun is haughty, confidence and readily expressing itself, although I fall out of character and hide my nature. But the Sun seems to reveal the truth of my soul and that’s the arrogance I’ve been told I have. While I could take offense, I accept the trait as true.

My sun gives me the belief in my dreams and my goals. Goals and dreams require a mind to think and expand on how to obtain them. The mind must be resolute in it’s ideals for whatever accomplishments it puts its focus to. This may also dip into belief and narrative. If one is ‘certain’ of the world, they act as if it’s true.

My soul is confident and even when my mind plays tricks on me to doubt myself, I find the undercurrent of certainty in my being. Arrogance is dangerous if left to unchecked or unsupported by benefic celestials, but with the appropriate alignment, one can control their entire orbit.




Written by Moray

Journaling my studies of some occultic shit, art, sex and myself. Just playing around, come join me.

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