Racism: an illness of idea

exploring racism as a sickness of the mind. An afro-critique

16 min readAug 9, 2019


Mass shootings are normal now, but still unwanted and disturbing. However we’ve come to the conclusion that this is and has always been the reality of our society.

We’ve lost 31 lives over the weekend. And a total of 62 this year alone from mass shootings. And if we want to go back in time we’ve lost hundreds more in 2018 and 2017 combined. You can look up those facts yourself, I don’t have time to regurgitate. And overall, incidents of gun violence has been rather common. Even though I’ve gotten in the car with white lyft drivers who have said crime has gone down overall…but again, these are white men who rely on white papers to feel a sense of validation for their intelligence and critical thinking skills. Or lack thereof.

The trend now, since it’s “out in the open”, is discussing racism, as if that hasn’t been the issue since the beginning of our countries founding. We’re discussing racism in niceties, and nitpicking what is and what isn’t, without addressing the simplicity of the situation.

What is a Mental Illness?

According to the APA (American Psychological Association) website,

Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.

That’s simple. A bit weak in my opinion. But since people like white papers I’ll give you them. Continuing with their information on the webiste,

Mental Illness…

refers collectively to all diagnosable mental disorders — health conditions involving

Significant changes in thinking, emotion and/or behavior

Distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities

So the issue here is that the APA must be able to diagnose the disorder for it to be determined if one is mentally ill. Rational. However, this diagnosis will come from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), presumably. And the DSM has it’s own sordid history, which again comes from the White Nation. They quantify what is sickness of the mind, even if they couldn’t see their own sickness.

All in all, we’re looking for the signs. We’re looking for the manifestation and expression of mental illness. And according to the APA,

Mental illnesses take many forms. Some are mild and only interfere in limited ways with daily life, such as certain phobias (abnormal fears). Other mental health conditions are so severe that a person may need care in a hospital.

Some are mild….others are severe. And in all cases, the mind is warped by some imbalance.

Imbalance biologically; where ones body is creating the disturbance and creating the illness. If one has a thyroid issue it might create symptoms of depression, which means there won’t be a root cause psychologically. Imbalance psychologically; where the mind is now dealing with some sort of trauma or dissonance that the conscious mind doesn’t accept or can’t relate to.

All of these factors play together, in my opinion. And mental illness, which I’ll bring up later, plays a pivotal role in our conscious reality. But first let’s talk about health, since we’re addressing illness.

What is Mental Health?

Now what is that? Let’s get that out the way, because that’s going to come in handy later. The APA expresses…

Mental Health…

involves effective functioning in daily activities resulting in:

Productive activities (work, school, caregiving)

Healthy relationships

Ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity

Wow, bitch. Healthy relationships? Ability to adapt and change AND cope? This addresses balance and rationality. We aren’t rational all of the time, but irrationality is a sign of mental disturbance. Which can be brought on by a myriad of things. Fear, sadness, depression, adrenaline, bad dieting etc. However control over thyself results in awareness of ones irrationality. But I guess I’m expecting too much from people. And I might be confusing competence with awareness.

We keep our mental health in check and in good standing by doing things that keep us satiated. Some go out in nature, others create art and some go to a therapist or a tarot reader. The outlets to keep our sanity stable are varied, sometimes they aren’t healthy outlets at all, and often they’re the cause for our poor mental health. It’s all rather subjective.

Everyone has varying degrees of mental health and it’s up to the individual to determine their status. But according to the APA, they’ve set their own standards and use science as their basis which allow them to dictate what are facts and what is correct. But the issue with this is that it’s bias, as all things are. And diagnosis’ are dangerous when so many things could be something other than what they determined. But on their website when it comes to diagnosis, they say,

People of diverse cultures and backgrounds may express mental health conditions differently. For example, some are more likely to come to a health care professional with complaints of physical symptoms that are caused by a mental health condition. Some cultures view and describe mental health conditions in different ways from most doctors in the U.S.

And here is where it’s important. White people are the majority in this country…but that’s changing. They are the ones who control history and the conversations. They control facts and they ultimately control how we should view reality. So what makes you think I should trust what a white bitch (I’m sorry for the language…but feel it) has to say about anything in regards to what is sick and what is healthy? That’s rationality speaking. It would be irrational to believe any white man, who knows nothing about my history or my lineage, to tell me how I view reality, especially when it involves their interaction. And it would be doubly foolish to let him OR her dictate what I know to be true, based on experience.

More importantly, Mental Health should NOT be quantified by an institution that lacks diversity. It’s also important to know that psychology, as an institution, don’t get to speak for reality when other cultures have been dealing with mental health in their own way. There beliefs are just as important, but they’re not seen as adequate since they can’t be verified by the measurement system.

Sounds pointed? It is. But its easy to point at something so large. Those that feel called out are more likely the ones that it pertains to. You’re either relevant to what I’m saying, or you’re just stupid. And trust, plenty are moronic. But let me be objective so you can obtain what I’m trying to gift you.

Racism is a Mental Illness

It’s not a bold claim in the slightest. It’s rather simple. Racism is an illness, and it’s easily transferable, to those who lack any sort of resolve. My theory and experience with racism is easily founded from my 26 years of existence, 15 years of that I was conscious enough to experience. And from what the history books tell and my own grandmother, with her 71 years of experience in the good ol’Merica, with her knowledge from her mother and so on and so forth, I think I have a good fucking collection of tea.

I mentioned before that irrationality plays a part in mental illness. Many ill spirits create irrational responses within the host. While they MAY have been rational in the moment, as our consciousness gains expansiveness, we experience the truth and see the incongruence in our views.

So what’s racism?

Racism, as a concept, has been around for hundreds of years. In the ancient world, I’m sure, there was some kind of ‘fear’ for other groups of people and it was based around the way they interacted with each other. I see a tribe that is known for their red necklaces and nose piercings, and my only interaction with them has been violent, and my tribes experience as well, then it’s only understandably my reaction is to be afraid and cautious of anyone who resembles that group. That’s survival.

We’re not talking about systemic racism, we’re talking about what I grew up with. The definition that speaks about a belief of superiority and inferiority of one race versus another. It’s attributing certain capabilities, traits etc to a select group based on visible differences and geographic origin. Because if we want to talk about race, truly, it’s nonsensical.

And what’s nonsensical is holding hatred for a group with no valid evidence, as if evidence makes it excusable. What makes a white bitch believe they’re superior? What sort of delusional mechanism drives them to believe they can enslave an entire race (they created themselves) and make them worthy of malice? Make sense of this for me. Because I’ve come to the conclusion that one must have some level of psychopathy and narcissism that seeps into the underbelly of ones darker consciousness to hold such a destructive phantasy.

To think, a people deemed worthy of controlling the world and dominating all that can’t resist based on their skin, is mind boggling. It’s sick, literally, disgusting. To commit genocide because you fear the possibility a ‘rival’ group can ascertain the level of power you have reveals ones sickness. Fear. Or is it the idea you truly believe you’re God of some sort, and everything that isn’t Human like you, belongs in your hands to control and profit from. Human beings are disgusting, that’s a fact, and White people (since we’re focusing on them today) have shown they enjoy their sickness and will actively try to distance themselves from their diagnosis.

To string up black men because it was Sunday and watch them hang for fun, and then make a postcard out of it, is true evil. To do things just because you CAN speaks to some level of consciousness that I have peeked into but I can’t quite understand it. There is nothing rational about the mistreatment of someone else, especially in that way. And while one can make the case,

“You aren’t equal to me, so I can do whatever I want to you”,

only an unemotional demonic entity would ever think a thriving society could be built off that belief. Which leads me into the theory that there is something else going on within them.

Violence Stems from Mental Illness

Now let’s get specific here, since people tend to jump to regurgitated meme’s in order to make their point. It doesn’t take much intelligence to understand that mental illness =/= violence. But it’s idiotic to purport that those with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence when we’re trying to ACTUALLY discuss how mental illness is causing violent action from pathetic cuck fucks who probably jackoff to tentacle porn but don’t want an Asian in their midst unless they’re trafficked in.

What am I saying here? White men are being violent because they’re losing power they actually don’t have. Because if you look at them, look at them…they have nothing special about them. And they know that. They compare themselves to men that are shit like them, but look better, and attempt to displace their anguish onto people they have no interactions with.

I’m essentially saying that THIS particular violence comes from their illness. And if I can be so bold to say that if they descended from slave owners or racists, I guarantee they inherited that disgusting primal nature, which would make them so violent. Is that racist within itself, yes. And? I give what I get. And that’s what’ll make you listen, trust me.

Racists lack Emotion?

It only makes sense that those who commit egregious acts like these and those from the past, would be lacking some sort of emotional intelligence or level of empathy. And many are good at faking it. Maybe we’re dealing with entities that have no sense of compassion at all and are just emotionally selfish and dangerously narcissistic? I’ve had white women admit they’re only smart when they’re being mean or conniving, sounds like Grandma Beatrice coming through. Just a thought.

Racism is Imprinted

Your racist ass daddy and grandmother and greatest of greats infected you too. When you thought you could escape you began to notice an odd bias in your waking reality. You only have white friends, because you can only connect with them, even though you have access to other groups of people. You only date white people like you, because you see them as the most attractive (you probably think your Gods gift, but it’s clearly Satan’s spawn). You have hankering for colored cock or pussy but will make sure it’s hidden, like your greatest of greats would do when they needed to create another field hand, or handmaiden for the Misses.

We know genes pass down personality traits, memories, mental disorders etc. All of those things they were are then handed down to the spawn. So what makes you think that these traumatic ass memories haven’t been spread down? What makes you think that these beliefs of superiority don’t run through their offspring's systems? I’m not a biologist or a geneticist. But what I do know is that everything that my people once knew, science is affirming.

I can feel the traits of my father, and without having any kind of interaction with him, I somehow act just like him, and I knew it was from him. How? I don’t know, my spirituality says I’m one with my being and ancestors. I’m aware of who I am and what I’ve received, and I accept it because I can’t deny the lottery I came out of.

The only difference is that I’m aware and I have to be conscious of how I step forward with this knowledge. I get my gift of writing from him, and I choose to use and hone it for the betterment of myself and others who enjoy it. But I also get that cut throat attitude that edges along the lines of dangerous thinking. And that’s a skill I can hone for good.

Nature and nurture have a role in genes of course. And you very well learn to be actively racist by being around racists. But you can manifest racism if you’re stupid enough to believe in your own coping skills. If you only have bad experiences with one group, you’ll begin to stereotype and fuel your own bias and fear mongering, creating racial tendencies. But you can also just activate some shit inside you. And that’s on you to work through. But the moment you feel hatred for a group that you don’t even know, is when you must accept that you’re ill and or idiotic. You can be mentally ill and stupid, don’t forget that.

Now I’m tired, running out of steam and finding it hard to give a fuck about ya’ll. I’ll say this, however, since a lot of you need disclaimers to feel secure and un-triggered. Racism isn’t just a white people illness, it’s everywhere now, THANKS to them. Everyone has their own level of racism since they came in contact with the disease. The issues we allow to plague our minds and society will only get worse. I mean, look at US, ya’ll are so triggered that you’ll pull triggers to blow away innocent lives. You’ll scream cultural appropriation without even being connected to the culture. You’ll excuse your racism in order to attack another’s. We’re all sick. And you must accept it. I’m fully aware those who commit violent acts are diverse, but I’m focusing on one today, since it’s easier to focus.

More Evidence With White-ish Papers

Since having interactions with White Men who believe they know everything because another white man gives them validation, usually puts me in a position where I need to prove myself. I need Peer-reviewed journals, I need sources to backup my claims and ultimately need them to see numbers in order to give them some sense of solace for the very shit they perpetuate. Because they don’t like to feel like they’re the problem. I’ve been called a Pseudo-intellectual because I have an opinion, when THEY bring nothing to the table intellectually, just tattered facts. And I know I’m GOOD with my opinion when I can rattle off on a whim what my beliefs are and get validated by actual psychologists and sociologists saying similar, if not the same, things.

I wanted to be a Psych major in college, but I didn’t want to go that route because I didn’t like how it was constructed and I was lazy. So I got an English degree, since most can’t read or write on their own and if you know how to read then you can study almost anything.

Alvin Poussaint, who is a Harvard Nigga by the way, gave his two cents back in 1999 through a New York Times Article “They Hate. They Kill. Are They Insane?”. And what can I say, everything a bitch(me) said without a psych degree was said by a distinguished man who worked for his white certification. He asserted at the end of his article that,

Such people are very sick nonetheless. Like all others who experience delusions, extreme racists do not think rationally. Instead, they create fantastical theories about who is responsible for their problems.

He was commenting on a Jewish Community Center shooting in Los Angeles that was committed by a Buford O. Furrow, who had a degree in Engineering (so clearly he must’ve been intelligent *rolls eyes*). Prior to the shooting he was apparently already treated for mental illness, indicating there was an issue that turned into violence, the article “Racist Shootings Test Limits Of Health System, and Laws” mention

What the experts saw was a man who twice slashed his arms so deeply that they required stitches, drank alcohol until he blacked out and espoused a deep hatred for anyone who is not white.

Yet, despite lengthy evaluations at mental institutions here, and no shortage of publicly funded treatment, Mr. Furrow was never ordered to remain under long-term state psychiatric care. Instead, after serving nearly six months in jail for trying to stab two workers at a mental hospital near Seattle, he was released under parole supervision and required to take medication to control psychotic impulses.

Oh and check this.

Mr. Furrow was an avowed racist who told a court last year that he fantasized about committing a mass killing. His temper and threats were so violent that an officer who arrested him in the assault case last year said he nearly had to shoot Mr. Furrow in self-defense.

Juicy, isn’t it. Disgusting taste, indeed. Sounds a lot like illness to me. Now the argument might be, “he already had some other issue and it’s not related to the racism”. Well what could it be? I’m sure it’s something, but you don’t think the racism is apart of it?

Now back to Poussaint. He suggested early on that racism should be classified as a mental illness, if not bigotry itself. Proposing this to his peers, white papers or , his thoughts (along with other black psychiatrists) were denied, under the argument

…that since so many Americans are racist, racism in this country is normative — a cultural problem rather than an indication of personal pathology.


In addition, the association said, calling racism a mental illness might appear to absolve racists of their moral responsibility, thus decreasing their motivation for self-examination and change. The group also suggested that racists do not show symptoms that are distinctive enough to fit any of its diagnostic categories.

Which still seems to be the argument among white commoners who barely can think for themselves, let alone attempt to argue with facts they couldn’t conceive themselves. I find it fascinating that we promote exoneration to mental illness as if it’s exempt from critique like everything else. It takes awareness to understand that just because one is mentally ill doesn’t mean they’re weak or not intelligent. We equate mental illness with a need to protect. But I can tell you, a lot of us are walking around crazy as fuck but are not violent and we live normal lives. We just experience it differently.

Poussaint sites Gordon W. Allport, a white Psychologist whose focus was on the formation of the personality, as being a notable reason why something like this should be seen as an illness. The Nature of Prejudice by Gordon was written in the 50’s, it follows a 5-point scale model that is rational and clear and brings out all the good white shit you need to feel my points are valid for your ears. We know that delusions are a source of energy for racist ideals, because these “facts” of superiority and dominance stem from grandiose ideas of the self even though the reality can reveal otherwise. Think about these white boys who speak so highly of themselves as if they’re deserving of pussy, money and authority but when you hear their arguments it’s nothing like that. They feel small, they’re weak and nothing worth mentioning. That’s why they rape their women and somehow feel disgusted when their women enjoy anything other than white cock, they beat coloreds and make excuses for their insanity, and actively deny their illness. And other whites validate them.

Connor Betts, the killer in Dayton, Ohio, was reportedly a psych major. Why is that relevant? Well it’s telling me that a man who thinks he’s sound enough to have a voice over mental health can work his way to a position where he’s an authority of the matter. Furrow, the engineer who shoots Jewish people, is of the same caliber. Violent and mentally ill. They hold titles that we see as dignified , intellectual and worth mentioning on our dating profiles. But what I learned is a lot of mediocre white men run around in suits doing the bare minimum and receive jewels for shit they didn’t earn.

They run entire governments and somehow can barely understand global warming, sexism or even how to operate a phone. We neglect a lot, and they expect us to neglect it.

Now what am I going to need you to do?

Confront your illness. It’s only appropriate that you sit down and look in the mirror and ask, “what am I doing?”. How are you hurting others? What sort of things do I think about that hold no weight. Am I irrational? Am I hateful? Am I aware? Am I doing anything to challenge my viewpoints that are said to be hateful and ignorant? Am I asking questions?

Prepare for a revolution. It’s going to be a hard few years, and hoes really think anything after Trump is going to be better, as long as we get a democrat or anyone but a dumbass in office. But the hard fact is that this was a taste of what still resides in this country. Nothing about this place is united, and we’re going to see how much people really care about their future. You’re not uncomfortable yet. Families in concentration camps, mass shootings and small overt racism is a taste of possible future where we actually have to do an US or THEM scenario. You will have to pick a side, I guarantee.

Release your rage. You’re all angry, you’re all scared. And for different reasons as well. But you must learn to extinguish it in a healthy manner. Gain control over your thoughts and your emotions. And seek out effective and beneficent ways to dilute your anger.

Have a Blessed Day

I said a lot. I claimed a lot. I meant a lot. And I also said some bullshit just to piss you off. But the truth is that my experience as a Colored Bitch gives me lenses that whites do not have and cannot have, unless they’re forced to be subjected to the same level of treatment I am or my ancestors were. I see things differently. I think about things differently. And I don’t apologize for my feelings unless necessary.

I’m disgusted with myself since I had to regurgitate. I said I wouldn’t and here I am, throwing up shit you already know. Articles from the fucking 90’s, really? I wasn’t even a conscious being at point and yet somehow have similar thoughts just from analyzing the situation. And this is typical. People of color are on a wheel when they talk to white folks, its like we have to hard drill into you in order for you to get the point. And sometimes that delusion you have makes you see what you want or avoid what doesn’t fit with your world view. Somehow mental illness is rampant in the black community because of white supremacy and but they don’t think the source of the of the illness is actually an illness.




Written by Moray

Journaling my studies of some occultic shit, art, sex and myself. Just playing around, come join me.

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